Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Process Of Learning For Read Can Be Difficult For...

The process of learning to read can be difficult for young children. Teachers require knowledge and understanding of the reading process as well as skills to teach children skills and strategies to become a successful reader. Using a balanced approach to teaching children reading skills and strategies, teachers start with explicit instruction before gradually giving students responsibility and independence in using these strategies for reading. Teachers must understand the importance of oral language, vocabulary, concepts of print, phonemic awareness, phonics and comprehension within the reading process to ensure that children are well equipped with these elements prior to learning to read. Knowledge and understanding of these concepts give teachers the skills to teach children to read. One of the most language-rich experiences young children have is through play. When children play they are exploring their environment, using their imagination or imitating scenarios they may have seen in playing shop, schools or ‘mums and dads.’ These experiences provide children with engaging opportunities for literacy development when exposed to language experiences that allow them to learn new words, talk about what they can see with peers and adults, tell stories and ask questions. Konza (2011), states â€Å"early oral language and literacy experiences help them tune into the sounds of their language and prepare them for learning to read.†(p. 2) Play encourages children to experiment withShow MoreRelatedEssay about Use of Multiple Stretegies to Teach Literacy 1150 Words   |  5 PagesLiteracy is the term used when talking about the ability to read and write. It leads to success in K-12 school, post-secondary school, the ability to compete in the job market, and participation in democratic process (Wei, Blackorby, Schiller, 2011). 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